
First respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for older adults approved in SG

The virus could potentially wreak havoc among older adults aged 60 years or over and with an underlying medical condition.

Having a “very stressful disease”

Tan Hoon Keng never thought she would get shingles and now having had it 10 years ago, she still isn’t fully recovered.

Get screened

Roche launches National Women’s Check-Up Week for the second year.

Get moving and get rewarded!

Seniors get to start exercising and at the end of the session, they are given a complimentary meal.

More middle-aged and older men seeking male breast reduction in Singapore

According to a doctor, the mean age was 33, however in recent years, older male patients above 42 have increased, with the oldest being 70.

First clinical cancer drug screening test

It looks to personalise treatments by improving the efficiency of chemotherapy regimes through testing using patients’ own cancer cells.

8 misconceptions about shingles

A dermatologist shares the reality and what you need to know.

Adjusting to changes

A symposium by Parkway Cancer Centre on preparing and starting cancer treatment to returning to work.

Spreading hope

Breast Cancer Foundation held a fashion event with 10 breast cancer survivors.

Our latest Singapore export

New York seniors are getting Gym Tonic and help them get strength training.

Lack of understanding of shingles

GSK Singapore released findings of global survey highlighting the gaps related to shingles.

Insights into stroke patients’ physical activity

The comprehensive study offers insights into how factors such as fatigue, sleep and social interaction can impact the quality of life and care for these patients.

First Breast Cancer Support Centre

The centre offers guidance and support to newly diagnosed patients and those still undergoing support.

New clues on how ageing alters brain cells’ ability to maintain memory

NTU scientists found that communication among brain cells is disrupted with ageing and this can begin in middle age.

Getting grandchildren aware of stroke symptoms

With them being with their grandparents, they too could play a crucial role.