Ask The Expert

Q. I have several questions about stroke – what are the main risk factors? What are the common signs of stroke? How common is a stroke? Why is it important to call 995 for an ambulance?

Q. What is the difference between co-ownership as joint tenants or as tenants-in-common?

Q. Is root canal the root cause of chronic degenerative disease? Is this true or just a myth? Is the treatment a safe or viable option to save our teeth?

Q. I feel I am getting more hunched/curved in my back – what can I do about it?

Q. With the haze, can you share some tips on how older adults can protect themselves?

Q. Are there any relevant agencies/voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs) that provide ad-hoc services such as accompanying fragile elderly for medical appointments, visiting markets and parks, etc. Some elderly may not need to hire a full-time helper but just need some help when they go out, especially if they are on a wheelchair.

Q: I am having a hard time juggling multiple medications. Can you give me tips on how best to deal with this problem?

Q. My mother has a condition called dysphagia. Can you explain what that it?

Q. What are some conditions that tend to be mistaken as Alzheimer’s disease?

Q. How does a family member best broach the subject of a memory test (to test for Alzheimer’s) to a loved one who may or may not have the condition?