This senior is helping other seniors get active, and educating people on the first British resident and commandant of Singapore.
This Active Agers Awards 2011 winner is living it up and is not afraid of trying new things.
Author of book, “Good to Go: A Guide to Preplanning for the End of Life”, shares some advice about the importance of pre-planning.
A poem to convey a message of love from parents to their children
Retirement does not mean a journey downhill but a life filled with more adventure.
Counting her blessings and remembering fondly her 84-year-old grandpa.
Former Gerontological Society of Singapore president sets up a new fund to benefit the elderly, an area that remains close to his heart.
A senior in the UK finds a niche business, which allows him to keep active … and travel and save some money at the same time.
An experience that will never be forgotten, and a chance to reflect.
We often multitask and we are too busy to appreciate the things around us. We need to pause and take stock.
Being active, for example in volunteering, can give a boost to a senior and make his life more meaningful and satisfying.
Age should not stop you from doing the things you want to do, including finding that special bird, even if it means you will be a bit slower and your legs may ache …
A viewpoint on how we need to give and take, and live in harmony.
Stereotyping of seniors as being frail or in need of help is a major disservice to those who are leading active lives and contributing back to society.