The world’s best superfoods
Get acquainted with some of the superfoods in 45 countries and add them to your regular meals.
Discover 66 health-boosting and tasty recipes from around the world with Lonely Planet Food’s “The World’s Best Superfoods”. The book is divided into seven chapters including seeds and nuts, legumes, grains and cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish and meat, and other ‘superfriends’ (superfoods that didn’t fall neatly into the previous categories but are too important to ignore).
The 208-page book travels to 45 destinations and includes recipes to boost your health and well-being from Asian countries such as Thailand’s som tam (papaya salad), South Korea’s kimchi, Japan’s miso soup, Taiwan’s tea eggs, and China’s goji berry millet porridge. There are also other interesting recipes including Donegal oatcakes from Ireland; Egypt’s kushari; ceviche de corvine from Peru; Australia’s wattleseed, lemon myrtle and bush tomato muffins; and Greece’s bee pollen porridge. The book also contains information on the origins of the dishes so you can impress your friends next time when you whip the dish up for them!
“The World’s Best Superfoods” costs US$14.99 (S$21.16) and is available locally at MPH, Kinokuniya and Times bookstores.