
Top 7 testosterone-boosting foods

Find out what these are and how men can benefit from them.

Understanding Alzheimer’s disease

Calling for entries to expand understanding and explanation of Alzheimer’s disease.

SERI-NTU laboratory to develop advanced ocular imaging technologies

One of the lab’s projects will use a robotic arm guided by an AI-powered imaging system to detect early signs of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

See, hear & eat better

Nationwide functional screening programme is now on and you can make sure your vision, hearing and oral health are in good health.

Flu vaccination important for those with diabetes

New data from Temasek Polytechnic shows are that many are unaware flu can affect blood sugar levels and it is effective in protecting themselves.

Those living with diabetes continue to rise

Evidence suggests that Type 2 diabetes can often be prevented, while early diagnosis and access to appropriate care for all types of diabetes can avoid or delay complications.

Making sense of rheumatoid arthritis

Find out what RA is and what physical activities that are recommended for those with RA.

How well do you know your heart?

Philips has launched a heart health quiz to help people recognise risk factors and early symptoms of heart disease.

Latest treatment for prostate cancer

This non-invasive targeted therapy treatment will allow cancer patients to have less impotence and reduced urine incontinence.

8 symptoms of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and often occurs in the knee joint and particularly with increasing age.

Get protected against measles

This highly contagious disease can lead to health complications and even death in adults.

Free eye screenings and talks

Singapore National Eye Centre marks 20th National Eye Care Day.

Supporting men’s health

November is dedicated to the Movember global movement, which puts the spotlight on prostate cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.

Get challenged

New for this years’ National Steps Challenge is the Silver Challenge, which promotes healthy ageing among seniors.

Emerging trends in probiotics & collagen

The two-day Vitafoods Asia 2019 saw latest global nutraceutical developments happening in Asia.