
The country’s Housing Society has come up with initiatives to address this need for seniors who prefer staying in their own homes.

Though warfarin is commonly used, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants are increasingly a better option.

Asia’s largest clinical study will help establish nutritional standards for the elderly.

Temasek Polytechnic launches brain training games in an app for older adults.

This will help improve patient comfort and encourage more women to go for their mammograms.

The Singapore Cancer Society has collaborated with BookDoc to widen public access to cancer-related information and services.

Who says that a diabetic patient’s diet has to be boring?

This chronic disease can develop at any age and seniors who have it are prone to lower quality of life.

Recent study shows that pet dogs help adults aged 65 and over stay active.

NUS study shared that good nutrition, physical training and mental exercises can reverse physical frailty in the elderly.

A multidisciplinary team from NUHS Department of Ophthalmology has developed a medication card and wearable for elderly glaucoma patients to help them understand their medication regimes and remind them on their eye drops.

Many Singaporeans suffer from pain and they tend to suffer in silence.