NLB widens its array of digital offerings

More to read during this extended COVID-19 circuit breaker period.   Seniors can enjoy the National Library Board’s (NLB) widening of its array of digital offerings during this extended COVID-19 circuit breaker period. They include:   Being able to...
7 reasons to wear sunscreen 

7 reasons to wear sunscreen 

Sunscreen protects you from more than just sunburn. BY: Dr Kwan Yuan Dong We have read and heard numerous times about the dangers of the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, on TV, in advertising, and from doctors. UV rays age our skins and can cause skin cancers. Yet,...

A head-scratching challenge

Looking for something to do during? Lonely Planet has just released its “Ultimate Travel Crosswords”. Looking for a head-scratching challenge during this circuit breaker? Lonely Planet has come up with its “Ultimate Travel Crosswords”. You can...
Dementia Language Guidelines booklet

Dementia Language Guidelines booklet

The guidebook reveals how using the right or wrong words on the dementia community can make a difference.    Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA) and Lien Foundation have launched their latest educational materials on dementia awareness – a guidebook of...
Portraits of 10 centenarians

Portraits of 10 centenarians

The Centre for Ageing Research and Education (CARE) celebrates longevity in a photographic online exhibition. The Centre for Ageing Research and Education (CARE) is celebrating longevity in a photographic online exhibition called SG100: A Celebration of Our...
Virtual workouts

Virtual workouts

Singapore Sports Hub offers curated workout sessions in seven-minute intervals to be posted seven days a week. The Singapore Sports Hub is offering a unique virtual workout experience through a new online series of daily fitness programmes. These curated workout...

New ‘Stay Home, Stay Active’ initiative

Council for Third Age (C3A) shares nine content platforms to keep seniors physically- and mentally-engaged during this partial lockdown.   In response to the safe distancing measures and suspension of social activities for seniors due to COVID-19, the Council for...
Want a buddy?

Want a buddy?

Ageless Online with U 3rd Age launch a new initiative to reach out to lonely and isolated seniors. With Covid-19, all activities for seniors have ceased and as we are in a partial lockdown, seniors are further encouraged to stay at home as they are considered a...
Stay at home notice

Stay at home notice

Thomas Lim and his wife had to cut short their trip to Morocco to come back to Singapore and ended up with a Stay-Home Notice. Thomas Lim, a freelance licensed tour guide and actor, thought he was going to enjoy a trip to Morocco, his first time being there, to check...

What are you doing?

A Facebook campaign of pictures of those over 50 in action during this period.   Ageless Online has started a little campaign called “What are you doing?” on Facebook showing pictures of those over 50 and what they are doing during this period of a partial...

Bringing in the sunshine

A new Facebook platform for seniors to gather online. With seniors being affected as activities have ceased because of COVID-19 and they might be isolated, 62-year-old Rickyfm Law, founder of a Nation For Future Seniors, has come up with a platform for seniors on...
More support for communities in Singapore

More support for communities in Singapore

In light of COVID-19, Singapore Red Cross steps up its support and relief for the vulnerable, especially the elderly. The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) announced a series of initiatives aimed to provide support and relief for the vulnerable in Singapore, especially the...

Promoting social and physical activity during COVID-19

US’ Rutgers gerontologist discusses strategies for older adults to stay connected and active. Older adults, especially those who lacked robust social networks before the outbreak of COVID-19, are at high risk for social isolation, said Emily Greenfield, an associate...
Staying active in your home

Staying active in your home

Flair Artz International has a new initiative that will keep seniors active and have fun with family members. There is a new initiative for seniors that will help motivate you in maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle, and in the comfort of your home. Called Active...

Nuggets of information

Brand-new series of live talks by NSA on topics relating to active ageing. Bored at home? Catch the National Silver Academy’s (NSA) e-Nuggets Series, a brand-new series of live talks on topics relating to active ageing conducted as part of its ongoing efforts to...